FAQ: CML Competitive ELISA Kit

Q: What part of the CML does the antibody bind to: the protein or CML itself? 

A: The monoclonal antibody used in our CML ELISA Kits recognizes the CML structure, rather than the protein.  


Q: Is the antibody in this kit specific to CML or will it recognize other structures?

A: The primary antibody is an anti-CML mouse monoclonal that is specific to the CML structure and will not detect other glycation products, unlike our AGE ELISA Kits which use a polyclonal antibody that will recognize multiple AGE modifications.


Q: Are EDTA plasma samples compatible with your kits?

A: EDTA will not interfere with our CML ELISA Kits and any anticoagulant can be used when preparing plasma samples.


Q: Are your CML kits compatible with samples of any species?

A: Our CML Assay Kits are not species specific and can be used with samples from any species.


Q: Is the CML Competitive ELISA kit compatible with tissue lysates?

A: Tissue samples are compatible with this assay and lysates can be prepared in any lysis buffer.


Q: What cell number should I use in the CML ELISA?

A: Unfortunately we do not have a recommended cell number to use when preparing lysates, because this will depend on the CML level of the sample, which will be different for each researcher.  Our recommendation is to start with the most concentrated sample possible and prepare further dilutions later, if necessary, after running a small scale sample titration against the standard curve.